As we already mentioned La Maison materials have been brought back until APRIL 12th at 9pm PT. Earlier today Lexilicious (Official FarmVille Community Manager) posted this on the Official FarmVille Forums.

Hey guys,

Due to technical issues that led to the La Maison gifts to expire earlier than intended, we are extending the gifts and ability to purchase a frame for one more week, from April 4th until April the 12th at 9 PM PDT.

For any users who deleted their Maison frames/partially complete Maisons, please make sure to contact our Customer Support department and they will be able to assist you as soon as they are able.

Because of problems that have occurred in the past with this feature, should the timing for the availability of La Maison gifting change we will inform you via the forums as soon as we have pertinent information.

As always, we appreciate your patience with us, and apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Official FarmVille Forum

So if you had given up hope on your La Maison building and deleted your frame contact Zynga quick!

Use the following link to contact Zynga: 
http://zynga.custhelp.com/app/ask Zynga seems to be doing whatever they can to help players who were unable to complete their buildings. Are you satisfied by their efforts?

Tonight, Channel Zero (A moderator of the Official Zynga Forums), posted this about a specific issue surrounding fertilizing neighbors farms. Channel Zero suggests harvesting your Horse Stable before attempting to visit neighbors might do the trick!

Thank you for all your information regarding this issue thus far. As a few players have already pointed out, there is an issue with the Wandering Stallion that causes loading issues when attempting to visit your neighbors’ farms. This should only occur with the standard Wandering Stallion, and not the White Wandering Stallion, or LE Stallion.

As a workaround, please be sure to collect from your Horse Stables before visiting your neighbors if you have a Wandering Stallion in place. Once your Horse Stable no longer has a Wandering Stallion inside, you should be able to visit your neighbors without trouble.

Please note: This workaround only applies to players who can not load or visit their neighbors’ farms. If you are simply loading very slowly when visiting your neighbors’ farms, this may not help you.

Thank you once again for all your information and help with this issue, and we will update you once again when a permanent fix has been found. For now, this information has been added to our 
Known Issues section under the heading Visiting Neighbors.

Official FarmVille ForumDo you ‘Fert and Feed’ your neighbors daily? Did this workaround solve any issues for you?

Farmers are given a 12x12 square plot of land at the beginning of the game. Expansions must be acquired in order from smallest to largest.

14x14 Homestead

10,000 coins or 20 fv cash 
and you need at least 8 neighbours to obtain the upgrade.

16x16 Family Farm

25,000 coins or 20 fv cash 
and you need at least 10 neighbours to obtain the upgrade.

18x18 Big Family Farm

50,000 coins or 20 fv cash 
and you need at least 13 neighbours to obtain the upgrade.

20x20 Plantation

75,000 coins or 20 fv cash 
and you need at least 16 neighbours to obtain the upgrade.

22x22 Big Ole Plantation

250,000 coins or 30 fv cash 
and you need at least 20 neighbours to obtain the upgrade.

24x24 Mighty Plantation

500,000 coins or 60 fv cash 
and you need at least 30 neighbours to obtain the upgrade.

April 1st is April Fools’ Day and FarmVille is in the spirit of trickery by gifting every farmer free Toilet Paper!Toilet Paper can be found in your FarmVille Gift Box and every farmer will receive one roll for free.

April 1st is April Fools’ Day and FarmVille is in the spirit of trickery by gifting every farmer free Toilet Paper!Toilet Paper can be found in your FarmVille Gift Box and every farmer will receive one roll for free.

You can then use your Toilet Paper to TP a neighbor’s farm, specifically their Barn. You are only able to TP Barns. Nice job Zynga gods. 

In the United States, Toilet Papering or T.P.ing is considered a prank or a joke. You use the Toilet Paper to “wrap” someone’s house, trees, or buildings. Read more about it below.
“Toilet papering (also called TP’ing, House Wrapping or Yard Rolling) is the act of covering an object, such as a tree, house, or another structure with toilet paper. This is typically done by throwing numerous toilet paper rolls in such a way that they unroll in mid-air and thus fall on the targeted object in multiple streams. Toilet papering is not uncommon in the United States and frequently takes place after the completion of a school’s homecoming football game and graduation, as well as onHalloween

In some states in the United States, such as Texas and Virginia, toilet papering is considered an act of mischief or vandalism. Yet in some states, such as California and Minnesota, it is legal and cannot be fined

Toilet papering can be done as an initiation, joke, or as a somewhat malicious (yet generally harmless) prank. Teachers, friends, school buildings, and other figures are popular targets for toilet-paperers. Although typically a homecoming prank in many areas, TPing is done all year round and is especially tricky to clean up after it has been rained on

Ring of Honor wrestler Jimmy Rave has fans who throw toilet paper whenever he makes an entrance.

What do you think of this April Fools’ Day treat? 
How will you celebrate April Fools’?

April fool's pop up

April fool's pop up

You can then use your Toilet Paper to TP a neighbor’s farm, specifically their Barn. You are only able to TP Barns. Nice job Zynga gods.


Over the past few days, there has been random error's when accepting gifts as in recent gifts.
the gifts are sent well in advance of the two-week expiration date from FarmVille friends. 
people will be in the middle of accepting gifts bouncing back and forth between the game and the notifications area on Facebook and then occasionally receive an error message that says 'This gift data not found.' 
This has happened several days in a row and zynga are aware of the issue's and facebook have also been made aware!

Help From Stallions!

Have you completed your Horse Stable yet? 
If not, make sure you click on those wandering stallions because even tho your stable is not completed you will not get to use the stallion, but HERE'S THE GREAT NEWS;
you will get 5 Building Materials in your gift box!!!

Thats one of each item will appear, 
this will enable you to use them to help build your stable.

It looks like La Maison free Gifting Supplies have returned to the FarmVille Gifting Page. Due to an unintentional error made earlier this week, the free La Maison supplies expired prematurely. 
We also do not know what this means for those farmers that purchased final La Maison supplies with farm cash after the early end. 
Hopefully, Zynga will address this issue in more detail.

There is also a new giftable Yellow Greenery that debuted in the FarmVille Gifting page.
Remember, the only way to receive free giftables is as a gift from one of your FarmVille neighbors.

On Wednesday’s update day, FarmVille introduced a new Easter themed Light Blue and Pink ribboned Mystery Box!

This Mystery Box will be available for the next 7 days in the FarmVille Market and costs 16 FV$ or farm cash.
As always, the box promises to offer exclusive prizes that you cannot purchase elsewhere.
This box is filled with Spring themed goodies, check out the spoiler below for prizes.
What prized did you get in this Mystery Box?

:::Spoiler Alert:::

The following are confirmed Light Blue & Pink (03.31.10) Mystery Box Prizes:

Gnome Sprinkler
Duck with Kite
RV Camper
Horse with Plow
Lilly Pad Pond

So you have found a group or page promising you thousands of farmcash, Pink Elephants or massive farm expansions? All you have to do is join and invite all of your friends? Wow this is great! Except it’s not, it’s a total scam. Read on to find out why and what you can do to prevent this!

This guide was created to prevent users of FarmVille from being scammed and cheated by the massive influx of fake groups on Facebook. ALL of the FarmVille groups designed to get (items, Farmcash, unreleased items, extra coops, etc…) are fakes. The only way to get these things (you can’t get unreleased or extra coops, this is cheating and/or using glitches) is to play the game and buy Farmcash from the official FarmVille game buying section or get your friends to gift you items from the game (none of the Facebook apps claiming to gift villas or anything else are real!) and lastly to enter OFFICIAL contests that are ONLY available on the official Zynga/FarmVille forums located here: FarmVille Forums

Note: Recently Zynga has begun giving out minor free items like trees and experience points on your notifications. These are real, no others are.

It isn’t hard to work out the fakes if you know what to look for, any of the below are obvious signs that this is a fake group.

Become a fan/member and suggest/Invite All your Friends (any group requiring this is fake and not worth your time)
Once (insert random number) of your friends join you will receive the item/s
If you do not invite friends you will not get (random item being promised)
Over half of your friends must join
Please wait up to 1 day for (insert random “free” thing) to be applied
Please wait up to (random number) of hours for (promised item)
Join to unlock (26×26, 30×30 or 40×40, etc…) farms!
Join and receive a Pink Elephant! (Or any other unreleased animals and/or items)
Etc… If it looks too good to be true, IT IS.

Mystery Eggs 
They have put Fuel Refills back in the Mystery Eggs 

(20Fuel In Golden Mystery Eggs, 10Fuel In Black Mystery Eggs, 1Fuel In Brown Mystery Eggs) 

Premium White Mystery Egg Prizes:
1/5 Fuel Refill
Groovy Scarecrow
20 XP
White Chicken
Brown Chicken
Collectables: Trowel, Spigot & others

Uncommon Brown Mystery Egg Prizes:
Brown Chicken
Black Chicken
1 Fuel Refill
Collectables: Beetle, Dapple Plume Feather, Painted Lady Butterfly & others

Rare Black Mystery Egg Prizes:
10 Fuel Refills
Black Chicken
Golden Chicken
Collectables: Twine, Swallowtail Butterfly & others

Treasured Golden Mystery Egg Prizes:
Black Cottage
Pink Cottage
Grain Silo
Gold Gnome
20 Fuel Refills
Golden Chicken
Collectables: Copper Butterfly, Zebra Butterfly, Centipede, Blue Feather & others