Tonight, Channel Zero (A moderator of the Official Zynga Forums), posted this about a specific issue surrounding fertilizing neighbors farms. Channel Zero suggests harvesting your Horse Stable before attempting to visit neighbors might do the trick!

Thank you for all your information regarding this issue thus far. As a few players have already pointed out, there is an issue with the Wandering Stallion that causes loading issues when attempting to visit your neighbors’ farms. This should only occur with the standard Wandering Stallion, and not the White Wandering Stallion, or LE Stallion.

As a workaround, please be sure to collect from your Horse Stables before visiting your neighbors if you have a Wandering Stallion in place. Once your Horse Stable no longer has a Wandering Stallion inside, you should be able to visit your neighbors without trouble.

Please note: This workaround only applies to players who can not load or visit their neighbors’ farms. If you are simply loading very slowly when visiting your neighbors’ farms, this may not help you.

Thank you once again for all your information and help with this issue, and we will update you once again when a permanent fix has been found. For now, this information has been added to our 
Known Issues section under the heading Visiting Neighbors.

Official FarmVille ForumDo you ‘Fert and Feed’ your neighbors daily? Did this workaround solve any issues for you?

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