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According to Channel Zero and Koopa troopa, this new FarmVille “Virus” is just a MYTH! People, you have to stop spreading these rumors. Please check your facts before subjecting hundreds or maybe thousands of people to FALSE information!

“Recently we’ve seen posts making reports of there supposedly being viruses in FarmVille that occur when tending to a neighbor’s farm. Players are also posting these rumors as their Facebook status messages. We’d like to just state for the record that these are just rumors and not true at all. There are no viruses in FarmVille, and any “solutions” for avoiding this supposed viruses are likely harmful information.

In order to keep your computer safe on the internet, make sure to regularly run anti-virus and anti-spyware scans, do not follow any suspicious or unapproved links, or download any suspicious programs. Doing those three things alone ensure you a large degree of safety.

Once again, there are no viruses in FarmVille, and any rumors you see to the contrary are just that.

-Channel Zero”

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